Be the Happy Nourished Mama You Desire to be!

Are you your own worst enemy in motherhood?
Are you tired of:
Living in a constant state of anxiety and burnout
Feeling like you “missed out” on this season
Looking back on motherhood with regret and guilt
Motherhood can often feel the complete opposite of happy and nourishing. It can feel like you’re getting run over by a train day in and day out and you’re in survival mode. You’re burning the midnight oil and just trying to keep all the plates spinning.

With 3 children, as well as 10 years of motherhood under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of sleepless nights, endless whining, epic meltdowns, sicknesses, mom burnout and more. I have learned some of the best strategies for thriving in motherhood instead of just surviving. I care about you and believe that you deserve to thrive in motherhood too!
You need to start thriving in motherhood TODAY! You want to be present and joyful during this season and not miss out on it by being in a state of constant overwhelm and stress.
You need a mentor to walk alongside you and encourage you in Your journey of motherhood.
learn to Be at peace in Motherhood
Live in greater harmony and joy within your home
Feel confident that you are the present happy mama you desire to be

In the "Happy Nourished Mama" course I'm going to provide you with:
- Simple steps to nourishing your own mind, body and soul so you can be the Happy Nourished Mama you want to be
- Wisdom and tricks of the trade for thriving in the little years
- Ideas in how to foster discipleship with your children from a young age
- Basic steps and tools for caring for all of your children’s wellness needs at home
- Links to lists with all of my favorite tools and resources in motherhood.
Go from:
Exhausted and overwhelmed Mama who is stressed throughout the ever changing environment of Motherhood
A Happy Nourished Mama who walks in confidence and peace in her God-given role
Frequently Asked Questions
Is This course just for Moms with Young kids?
This course is definitely geared toward Mothers with young children. however, there are many principles and tips that would still be beneficial for mothers who already have older children. For example: the nourishment section has many tips on how to properly care for your mind and your body and your soul.
Is this only for homeschooling moms?
Nope! While I do have a section of the course that covers homeschooling, there are plenty of other sections that you will benefit from even if you are not homeschooling.
Do I have to be a Christian to take this course?
I think that even if you are not a Christian, there are many things to glean from this course! But since my faith is a huge component of my mothering, you should know it is very much interwoven throughout.
Would this be helpful for moms to be?
Yes! This is exactly the kind of course I wish I had before having kids. I feel like it would have set me up for so much more peace and joy in motherhood!
How long will I have access to your course?
You will have lifetime access to all the videos and resources my course provides the second that you make your purchase! If the course is updated at any point in the future, you will be automatically grandfathered into the newest version.
How long does it take to complete your course?
This is a self-paced course broken down into bite-sized videos that you can easily fit into your busy schedule as a Mama. I created it with you in mind! Take time to soak in each topic, or binge watch during naptimes. It’s up to you!
Do you offer refunds?
Considering the type of service offered, this course is non-refundable. Once you have purchased the course & accessed the downloads, it’s yours for life!