Seed to Seal

When we started research on therapeutic grade essential oils and companies that provided them, we were thoroughly impressed with Young Living.
- Young Living was founded in 1993 and has over 20 years of research and experience. It is the world leader in producing and guaranteeing 100% pure, genuine therapeutic grade essential oils. It is the only company with a Seed to Seal guarantee, meaning they have control over the process from beginning to end.
- Young Living owns their own farms and distilleries across the globe. Their oils are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and of unmatched purity. They go beyond organic practices! If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Seed to Seal website, hop over there now and see the dedication to quality that Young Living has.
- Gary Young (the founder of YL) is so passionate about his call to stewardship that he will not grow or harvest plants in soil if the land has been used to farm anything else in the last 50 years. This is because he doesn’t want to risk residual pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics from animal waste. Gary and his wife travel the world to personally have their hands in every aspect of the business. When you learn what they sometimes go through to bring these oils to us, you will seriously not believe it. For Gary, this includes enduring hours of strenuous work in below freezing temperatures!
- Young Living steam distills at low temperatures and low pressure. The same plant matter can be distilled multiple times but Young Living only uses first distillation genuine therapeutic grade. It takes a great deal of work to provide a tiny amount of essential oil. For example, it takes 60,000 rose blossoms to provide 1 ounce of rose oil.
More about “grades” of essential oils:
- Grade D the lowest quality grade is called “floral water”. This is usually a byproduct of Grade A distillation and is the stuff that’s typically in shampoos and lotions. Some companies fill 5% of their oil bottle with this “trash water”, fill the rest with carriers and label it “pure”.
- Grade C is perfume grade. These generally contain harmful chemicals and solvents.
- Grade B is food quality. These may contain synthetic chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders or carrier oils even if it states it is organic, natural and certified.
- Grade A is therapeutic grade. These are pure, unadulterated first distillation oils made from organically grown plants. They are distilled at low temperatures. Grade A is the only true pure grade.
Young Living’s unique Seed to Seal process includes five painstaking steps.
Young Living is proud to set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of our oils through the unique Seed to Seal process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, they apply rigorous quality controls to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.
Step One: Seed
Powerful, effective essential oils come from seeds and plants that are verified for their potential to produce high-quality essential oils. Young Living experts partner with university researchers to evaluate the essential oil potential of their seeds. The seeds used are selected for their scientifically proven ability to become plants with the highest possible levels of bioactive compounds.
Step Two: Cultivate
Young Living farms are located around the world. They’re dedicated to perfecting responsible and sustainable growing and harvesting methods. Young Living experts travel the world visiting co-op farms to verify that their processes match Young Living’s high standards. These operations provide an ongoing source for essential oils that meet Young Living’s demanding quality standards.
Step Three: Distill
Combining ancient and modern techniques, Young Living is recognized as an innovator in essential oil distillation. They use a gentle, proprietary technique for steam extracting essential oils and preserving their precious constituents. Young Living also uses cold pressing and resin tapping methods for select oils.
Step Four: Test
Young Living never accepts diluted, cut, or adulterated oils. To guarantee consistent quality, our oils are tested in Young Living’s own internal labs, as well as in third-party facilities, to ensure that they meet stringent specifications, exceed international standards, and contain the optimal levels of natural bioactive compounds.
Step Five: Seal
Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process in their 107,000-square-foot facility in Spanish Fork, Utah. Using state-of-the-art equipment, each essential oil is carefully bottled and labeled. Young Living’s carefully bottled, painstakingly produced essential oils are shipped to members worldwide.